Ideklinz Reads It

I'm addicted to reading and buying books. It's a real sickness but one that I love to feed! Hopefully I can read and review. I usually post my book addiction on my blog as well:


You can also find me on twitter: @idek_linz

Some Girls Are - Courtney Summers I'm not giving it four stars because I truly want to. Bullying is not okay and while this may have been semi or fairly accurate of what goes on in the high school realm these days, I'm horrified and disgusted. As someone whose seen the actions of a bully, I at times did not want to read it. In all honesty? I finished the book because I wanted to see if the girls would get theirs in the end. I won't give it away but I would never read this book again. If that gave you any indication.

Currently reading

Tina Fey
Days of Blood & Starlight
Laini Taylor